Have A Nice Day! :)
Guys....Be very cerful!
Published on July 3, 2008 By WebGizmos In WinCustomize Talk
A 'heads up' for those men who may be regular Home Depot customers. This one really caught me by surprise.

Over the last month I became a victim of a clever scam while out shopping. Simply going out to get supplies has turned out to be quite traumatic. Don't be naive enough to think it couldn't happen to you or your friends.

Here's how the scam works: 

Two seriously good-looking 20-21 year-old girls come over to your car as you are packing your shopping into the trunk. They both start wiping your windshield with a rag and Windex, with their breasts almost falling out of their skimpy T-shirts. It is impossible not to look!

Well....when you thank them and offer them a tip, they say 'No' and instead ask you for a ride to McDonalds. You agree and they get in the backseat. On the way, they start undressing. Then one of them climbs over into the front seat and starts crawling all over you, while the other one steals your wallet.

I had my wallet stolen March 4th, 9th, 10th, twice on the 15th, 17th, 20th, & 24th, 29th. Also April 1st, 4th, twice on the 8th, 16th, 23rd, 26th, 30th, three times last Saturday and very likely again this upcoming weekend.

So tell your friends to be careful.
p.s.   Walmart has wallets on sale 2.99 each! 
Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 04, 2008
Oh, no, now I have to go get some new drywall...oh, and paint, I'll just get that in a day or so...

OMG! Be careful! They are relentless!

And mostly there on weekends! I...uh...mean they could be!

on Jul 04, 2008
Now thats funny...I dont care who ya are.  
on Jul 04, 2008
Had me so going.... Hillarious      
on Jul 04, 2008
with their breasts almost falling out of their skimpy T-shirts.

I just hope you're taking your meds after such a disturbing experience... you know, those little blue pills to help maintain your blood pressure.

on Jul 04, 2008
Now what am I going to do, Walmart is out of wallets!
on Jul 04, 2008
I just hope you're taking your meds after such a disturbing experience..

Well...I did have a few close calls... But those were a days when some of the girls got their days crossed and they worked a double shift.
on Jul 04, 2008
Now what am I going to do,Walmart is out of wallets!

I'll send ya some! I bought a case....uh....I mean I have a few extras!
on Jul 04, 2008
You should come to the Home Depot by my house. You think YOU got it bad?!
on Jul 04, 2008
OMG! Thats just wrong in so many ways!
on Jul 04, 2008

I don't know how or when . . but someday . .  . .
someday . . . someday
on Jul 04, 2008
I had my wallet stolen March 4th, 9th, 10th, twice on the 15th, 17th, 20th, & 24th, 29th. Also April 1st, 4th, twice on the 8th, 16th, 23rd, 26th, 30th, three times last Saturday and very likely again this upcoming weekend

You're stupid dude! They only got me twice!

on Jul 04, 2008
OMG That's funny right ter I don't care who ya are!! RAD
on Jul 04, 2008
You're stupid dude! They only got me twice!

Slacker!...Whats the matter old man...can't handle a little home repair!
on Jul 04, 2008
Slacker!...Whats the matter old man...can't handle a little home repair!

on Jul 04, 2008
Man that's a great one WG....... keep them comming.... no pun intended
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