Have A Nice Day! :)
Published on May 4, 2010 By WebGizmos In WinCustomize Talk

This is now a free for all thread.

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 04, 2010


on May 04, 2010

doc. present and accounted for, sir!

on May 04, 2010

I'm still around, I've been downloading some skins and just waiting for things to settle down with the site before I upload some new suites. 

There have been alot of nice themes uploaded to the gallery libraries by the skinners in the community so once folks get use to the new site they will be downloading again.


on May 04, 2010

 I'm not getting out of my foxhole until the shooting stops.

Seriously, I've been busy at work but I stop by as often as I can to visit my "sick friend."

on May 04, 2010

Redneck has taken a leave of abstinence.......

on May 04, 2010

I'm job hunting, so most of my time is spent trying to find gainful employment.

on May 04, 2010

I'm present but don't know if I've been accounted for.

Thing is, WG, a lot of regulars moved on and the forums all but died in the arse yonks ago... long before the new site.  A handful of us have tried to keep it going, but it's an uphill battle when the majority stays away in droves.

on May 04, 2010

I'm still here. They would have to shut the the site down to get rid of me.

on May 04, 2010

G3's here and ready to party!!  

on May 04, 2010

Navigating here is just a little too slow for me at the moment' Personal galleries are a disaster!


on May 05, 2010

Here mentally, but not physically.

on May 05, 2010

Nothing here but tumbleweed...

on May 05, 2010

It seems to be the general state of affairs in the skinning world. I haven't been around all that long, but I've witnessed the disappearance of a lot of people who were fixtures here, and traffic has been down at a couple of other places the last few months.

on May 05, 2010


on May 05, 2010

It was quite noticeable before the site change over I am afraid.  My fear has always been that overbearing "proper decorum" would be the death of vibrancy for the site. But that is just one man's opinion.

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