Have A Nice Day! :)
Better moderation and guidelines needed
Published on September 30, 2005 By WebGizmos In WinCustomize Talk
I'm curious as to why the "Objectdock" library is being flooded with submissions from the "Misc Icons" library that clearly are not "Misc Icons?" Shouldn't these be two different libraries? They are both starting to look the same lately. And doesn't "Misc" mean just that...misc...as in the odd icon? It seems that whole Icon packages are either broken down, or not packaged and submitted as "Misc Icons" instead of them being packaged and submitted as a package to the "Iconpackager" library, which if you look through the library of "Objectdock" you can see there is nothing "Misc" or odd about many of these icons...since they could easily make up a whole package. It's as if I'm watching Mormegils icon tutorial all over again.
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on Oct 01, 2005

They are rejected with a '...you can submit to x library instead' notice. To be clear, the Misc Icons section is for Windows icons (.ico). Other types will be rejected as Windows cannot use them   The ObjectDock library is primarily for .png icons, though the odd .ico doesn't matter if it is of sufficient size and quality. We also ask people to limit the size of png icons to 256x256 for the sake of good order. Only yesterday I rejected some icons which were an astonishing 1200x1200

And you can't expect users to convert png to ico - 99% do not know how.

I would like a separate sub-section in ObjectDock for backgrounds etc, though I suspect it's another job for the waiting list

on Oct 01, 2005
The biggest question here ladies and gentlemen, should be WHY are png's even allowed? ObjectDock will run just fine, in fact better than normal, using ico's instead of png's. ICO is a native Windows format, and this will operate better than any pngs. If an icon is properly made at higher resolutions, there should be no clarity problems at all, and therefore, no reason to use pngs. This just begs the question as to why there are any icons at all in the OD section now. Since Misc. Icons can hold all the usable icons for ObjectDock, the OD section should be devoted to docklets, backgrounds, tabbed backgrounds, and that is ALL. Everything else can go into the Misc. Icons section where it belongs. That is my opinion on the matter.
on Oct 01, 2005
I just think that whatever you choose to call them..Icon or Png..they are the same animal and should be kept with all the other icons.

As far as converting icons to pngs, this free and very simple app does it in a snap. http://www.aqua-soft.org/board/showthread.php?t=15304

Since Iconpackager/Developer now makes you jump through hoops to convert them I've used this on may occasions.
on Oct 02, 2005
Well I guess this subject won't be going anywhere.
on Oct 05, 2005
Ok...this latest Objectdock upload of 36 individual icons that should have clearly been packaged is the last straw. I think from this point on I will be limiting my uploads to my own gallery. It's just not right that other entries are being buried this way.
on Oct 05, 2005
Yeah, my little pack is buried at the end of that run of 36. The bad thing is, I had some specific requests for some of them but since they will not be seen I need to e-mail the requesters to let them know they are here. c'est la vie, I guess.
on Aug 21, 2006
Well...It's almost a whole year since this post started...and since it seems obvious nothing will ever get done about this flooding of the Object"Dock" library with icons/pngs...I have to make some decisions in regards to this issue.

I know all this may sound or seem petty to some people...thats a given...you'll get over it...but it just doesn't make sense to me to take the time to create something that will end up buried and not seen or used. Kinda pointless huh? I agree!

It certainly wasn't my first choice...But with the exception of updating older docks...and 1 last upload ...which is for a certain skin to arrive here at WinCustomize soon...I will not be uploading any new docks to the Object"Icon"Dock library (I may...not sure yet...continue to upload to my gallery here). In addition, I am also "considering" just moving them to another library where they will not be buried under a ton of icons/pngs.

For whatever reason...the Object"Dock" library has become (or was) a dumping ground for unwanted pngs (icons in disguise) and a flop house for icons that for some reason don't like their own library..."Misc Icons". And I've heard all the reasonings for why pngs aren't allowed in the Misc Icons library....but quite frankly it doesn't make any sense and is just plain silly. Pngs are in part nothing more than an icon by another name, unless of course they were created as pngs...and icons can be turned into pngs in about 1 second...making file size, extension name, and a slight appearance change the only difference between the 2...and of course they now have rabies or something and aren't allowed in the Misc Icons library.

The Object"Dock" software is about docks "for" your icons/pngs as well as "dock"lets...it is not about icons/pngs...thats what IconPackager & IconDevolper is for. Just as WindowBlinds is about skins for windows...and even though you use icons/pngs in windows...you dont' expect to find either of those in the WindowBlinds library. And since Icons as well as pngs (icons in disguise) already have a library...thats where they should be kept. But thats just because it makes sense to me.

Uploading a dock to the Object"Dock" library these days is like jumping in quicksand made up of icons/pngs....they quickly disappear. And I have watched earlier uploads become forgotten as a result. So...since this is not my website...and I have no say in anything that happens here...and obviously can do nothing about this. I have no choice but to think about what I created and whether or not to accept letting my docks get buried and forgotten...and the answer to that is no...I will not. I'm not yet sure if I will upload them all to another library and delete them here or just simply upload them elsewhere...but the one thing I am sure about is that I won't be uploading anymore here until things change.

I will of course continue to create them and let people know where to find them since I have fun doing that...I will do requests...provided the skin has whats needed to create docks and the graphics work in ObjectDock...not all skins do. And if or when things change here and make sense I will begin uploading here again.
Have a nice day!
on Aug 21, 2006
Hey WG, after seeing your reference to WindowBlinds, I think the best solution would be a ObjectDock Dock gallery and a seperate OD Icon ( png only ) gallery.
I say this as for with WB, Progress Animations ( 61 items ) and Toolbar Icons ( 68 items ) both have their own gallery. All that would be needed is to combine the animation and toolbar icons galleries thus making room for a new gallery to send all the png icons and leave docks and docklets in the OD gallery.
on Aug 21, 2006
The new PNG icon gallery could be named OD/DX/IconX as they can be used for all.
Which since there are no galleries for IconX and stock DX png icons, I think that some are not aware the icons can be used for them.
on Aug 21, 2006
So now what is it again, a poll for a petition or a petiton for a poll.
on Aug 21, 2006
This whole thread just caught my attention. One of the first moves I make when DLing a new theme/skin is to see if it has a matching Object Dock with tabs and side docks, etc. to complete my desktop. I've gotten quite used to OD+ and rely on it without thinking much about it anymore...taking it for granted, it's how I navigate around and get things done. The idea that WG won't be doing docks as usual is an eye-opener for me at least. I didn't realize there was a situation where work is quickly buried by incoming creations, but now I see it. When I try on a new skin/theme, I usually go to WGs site and shop for matching docks. Just used to that way of dressing up my GUI. There's also a lot of other artists here that do docks for Obj Dock that are way high on my list to check out, diafragma's glass shelves come to mind.
I guess what I'm trying to say here is, if there's a need for a sharper delineation between .pngs, .icos, docks, backgrounds...I'm all for it. Whatever makes it more appealing and user-friendly for the artists to showcase their work for us consumers. For me, Windowblinds without the best docks would be like a BMW w/o available M-series mods(...I actually drive a beater Mazda van, but I can dream, right?)

on Aug 21, 2006
Don't quote me on this, but I have a feeling some of this will be addressed when the new version of WC comes out. We can only hope.
on Aug 21, 2006
new version of WC

on Aug 22, 2006
In this case Cavan I think I might get the poll.  
on Aug 22, 2006

ok...we've been at this for a long while...and if Giz is gonna stop uploading, so am I (not really)! I mean...I must be contributing to burying his docks and stuff (honestly) by uploading so many pngs (which arent icos converted to pngs and have nothing to do with icon packager, but are made in photoshop and fireworks). Since the OD gallery is the only place where I can upload my pngs (truthfully) and no other gallery will let me post them there, I will stop uploading my pngs (that's a lie) and stop filling requests from the requested icons thread (again, another lie).

I want to see a resolution to this problem (not crossing fingers, now telling truth).
a seperate OD icon/png gallery seems to be the simplest and best idea!
I'm behind it 100%, if that makes any difference.

The Object"Dock" software is about docks "for" your icons/pngs as well as "dock"lets...it is not about icons/pngs...thats what IconPackager & IconDevolper is for. Just as WindowBlinds is about skins for windows...and even though you use icons/pngs in windows...you dont' expect to find either of those in the WindowBlinds library. And since Icons as well as pngs (icons in disguise) already have a library...thats where they should be kept. But thats just because it makes sense to me.

this is the only statement I have a question about...what's a pretty dock with no shiny icons on it....if Im using the smoothest dock ever created, Giz...do you want me to just drag fuzzy shortcuts of my programs up to it?

Can't something be found here that will allow all of us to get along? I don't want this site to lose an artist like WG, nor do I want to be part of the problem that causes his artwork to vanish from the galleries. I also do not want to stop creating icons for OD (I use OD+, and really don't see how others survive without it)

I will of course continue to create them and let people know where to find them since I have fun doing that...

I have fun creating icons as well, WG...lets find a place to put them and not stop griping until we do...I can get behind your effort here, as I am sure many others will...just please, reconsider the stark decision you are making...we wanna keep you and your work!

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