It has now been brought to my attention that these new folders implemented in ObjectDock are causing problems with custom Plus/Minus images not showing up on docks. The docks I have created that have custom Plus/Minus images are coded to the "Programs/Stardock/Objectdock/backgrounds" folder for the Plus/Minus images to show up. If you don't have your docks stored in the "Programs/Stardock/Objectdock/backgrounds" folder the custom Plus/Minus images will be reverted to the default Question mark image.
You will now either have to change the Plus/Minus image paths in all the background.ini files to the path you have your docks stored in for each and every "Tabbed" dock having custom Plus/Minus images OR move them back to the original folder listed above. If you don't care about the Plus/Minus images not showing up and don't mind the default question mark image taking its place then don't worry about it.
I personally keep all my docks in one the above mentioned folder...and have no plans on creating multiple background.ini's or duplicate docks for each of these new much "work" involved.
Hopefully this can be remedied in the future since these extra folders are not really necessary or required by Microsoft.