Can anyone tell me what dreams use the same format as the "Vintage" Dream? The reason I ask is because on XP that particluar dream a dream. In other words it works perfectly on XP...and I would love to download similar dreams that work as well as that one. There are a few others like Stars & WinterSnow by Neil Banfield...and Desktop Earth that work as well. Sharkpit used to work but doesn't anymore for whatever reason. With most dreams I click on all I get is this "Active Movie" window that pops up and I either see the dreams working or it just freezes and look like wallpaper.
Anyway...It would just be great to know which dreams use the format used in making Vintage so I could actually use deskscapes more often and have more choices that work for XP. There are some great dreams in the gallery I would love to use but unfortunately they just don't work on XP. And I can't seem to get a link to whatever MPEG2 plugins that actually work on XP either.
So any information on this would be great. And I'm sure other XP users would find it useful as well.