Have A Nice Day! :)
Better moderation and guidelines needed
Published on September 30, 2005 By WebGizmos In WinCustomize Talk
I'm curious as to why the "Objectdock" library is being flooded with submissions from the "Misc Icons" library that clearly are not "Misc Icons?" Shouldn't these be two different libraries? They are both starting to look the same lately. And doesn't "Misc" mean just that...misc...as in the odd icon? It seems that whole Icon packages are either broken down, or not packaged and submitted as "Misc Icons" instead of them being packaged and submitted as a package to the "Iconpackager" library, which if you look through the library of "Objectdock" you can see there is nothing "Misc" or odd about many of these icons...since they could easily make up a whole package. It's as if I'm watching Mormegils icon tutorial all over again.
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on Jan 19, 2007
Hhmmmmm...maybe a "misc "images" gallery could work...one that would include both png & ico formats...especially since IconDeveloper can easily (if obtusely) convert between the 2. the real problem however, is that there are WAY too many images that should be packages. Kinda "thinking" out loud here...
on Jan 19, 2007
Basically all I'm looking for is this...the WindowBlinds library contains WindowBlinds...Iconpackager contains Inconpackages...DesktopX has 3 different libraries for the different applications...CursorXp contains Cursors...and so on...So while I completely understand the argument that icon/pngs are used with ObjectDock...thats a given...but its not about icon/pngs...because without the dock backgrounds the icon/pngs are just floating on your desktop.

And while I appreciate the gesture of compromise in having the ability to show just dock backgrounds/docklets or the other choices in the ObjectDock library...icons/pngs...in my opinion do not belong there. They should either be in the Misc Icons library or have they're own. When it comes down to it...icons...not just pngs...can be used as well with ObjectDock...but yet you are looking at icons as a different animal. So what I think is really needed is a more defined understanding between the 2 file types...and when it comes down to that...its just a different name. I can make a pngs in about 1 second from an icon....it takes sometimes hours or more to create dock backgrounds. I have docks that aren't ever downloaded anymore because they are so deeply buried in the library...so if I want them to get seen and used again I have to go and redo them or change something that warrants the date being reset so they get bumped to the front again...then guess what...they are suddenly being downloaded again. And I know when I first bought ObjectDock...I went to the library looking for backgrounds...not pngs.

Basically, if I was going to create icons it would only make sense to me to create the pngs files as well and include them in a separate folder with my download. So having said that I honestly don't understand why this is not being done. Just as with the docks I create, I try to give people a choice between transparent and Non transparent backgrounds and when its possible I include them together...I don't expect a different library for them.

So...if it comes to the point of having to decide whether to allow my work to get buried and not seen anymore or remove them entirely...I'll just remove them, and like I said surrender the library to the pngs. And yeah I know that may sound childish...I'm taking my docks and going home...but they are already not being seen...so I don't see any difference and I'd just be finishing the process...and in fact I'd be saving the site bandwidth by them not being there since more than half are not being downloaded. I'd rather it not come to that but I'm pretty practical about things like this...kinda foolish of me thinking they are getting used when I can clearly see most are not. I do see that someone once in awhile gets interested enough to go through the entire library in search of backgrounds by looking at "My Skins," but most of the time there are no downloads at all for the buried docks.

And while on the subject of icon/pngs...there are entirely to many icon/pngs of the same theme that should clearly be packaged rather than taking a theme and uploading 30 or more separate pngs at a time to the ObjectDock library taking up the first 3 or 4 pages. In my opinion...if you have 3 or more pngs of the same theme they should be grouped together as 1 download...not 3 or 30.

In ending...Brad...I will respect what ever you decide to do...its your site and I've appreciated having my work hosted on it. For me it was all about having fun creating the docks and promoting your ObjectDock software. And since you have expressed some interest in this problem I will for now leave things as they are. But I hope you respect my decision based on the outcome of your decision whatever it may warrant on my part. You know what I'm hoping to see and I'll leave it up to you now.
on Jan 19, 2007
Everything gets buried after a couple of weeks whether they have their own gallery or not though.

There aren't nearly as many dock background skinners as compared to bootskin or logon creators. So while it's not .pngs, my logons get buried by a hundred "first time" logon makers. You get buried by something any way you look at it. It's just the way it is. I don't know guys, it's just no big deal to me. If people really like your work, they'll check your gallery.

But I do think there should at least be a button or tab to break the OD gallery into Dock Background or Png.
on Jan 19, 2007

But I do think there should at least be a button or tab to break the OD gallery into Dock Background or Png

When I look at the Object Dock library, the Dock Backgrounds section is easily selectable - are you seeing a different view to me?   

on Jan 19, 2007
Fuzzy Logic is right...you can select different categories to search the galleries for...I just can never seem to remember that the option is available...kinda like ranking items - I can never seem to remember to do that either...
on Jan 19, 2007

I'm taking my docks and going home...but they are already not being seen...so I don't see any difference and I'd just be finishing the process...and in fact I'd be saving the site bandwidth by them not being there since more than half are not being downloaded. I'd rather it not come to that but I'm pretty practical about things like this...kinda foolish of me thinking they are getting used when I can clearly see most are not. I do see that someone once in awhile gets interested enough to go through the entire library in search of backgrounds by looking at "My Skins," but most of the time there are no downloads at all for the buried docks.

Your ObjectDock backgrounds have over a quarter million downloads.

There are other solutions to the issue you raise rather than eliminating PNG files from the ObjectDock gallery.

I've listed one.  I've talked to Jeff (lead developer of ObjectDock) and asked him what other solutions he might have.

As for your dock backgrounds, I like them. But they are yours to do with as you please. I hope you don't remove them.  But at the same time, I won't remove PNGs from the ObjectDock gallery.  They belong there. And it is my site.  Because of your hard work and contributions to the site, I am willing to work with you to come up with a system that benefits not just you but other skinners in a similar position in other galleries.

on Jan 19, 2007
When I look at the Object Dock library, the Dock Backgrounds section is easily selectable

I have to admit I never saw the dropdown menu. I had to look to find it. My apologies.

I spend a lot of time here and it's possible that if I didn't see it, lots of others won't either. Or not...the Doctor DID say I need glasses.

I think something similar to #102 would make it much easier to find the backgrounds and is also a good place for the Top Authors.
on Jan 20, 2007



Free the pngs

"All .pngs to the back of the bus!"
"But I'm a .ico!"
"Off the bus!"
on Jan 20, 2007
Apologies and thanks, to 'WC and the Code Munchers'...
Just went to Object Dock
Clicked on the drop-down menu up at the top
Selected "Backgrounds"
Got only Backgrounds
Filtered just fine
Still learning how to bumble my way around the new site.
work to get buried and not seen anymore

this is still an issue, though
John Prine song keeps running through my head:
"Please don't bury me
down in the cold cold ground...
I'd rather have 'em cut me up
'n' pass me all around"
on Jan 20, 2007
Filtering to only Dock Backgrounds is easy for those of us who know how to navigate the site. How about the newbies that stumble in (like me when I first discovered this awsome corner of the digital world). I'm glad to see that this thread has gotten the attention of the big cheese. Brad, we've voiced our opinion, you've suggested a solution. Let's move forward.
on Jan 20, 2007
Filtering to only Dock Backgrounds is easy for those of us who know how to navigate the site. How about the newbies that stumble in (like me when I first discovered this awsome corner of the digital world).

A "newbie" might be just as confused with any other feature that might highlight only docks.  Navigating the new site is not difficult and for some it just takes a bit of adjustment.  Sometimes people are going to have to search for things, everything will not always be on the front page right in front of someones eyes.

on Jan 20, 2007
I agree Island Dog. I'm not trying to be negative.
on Jan 20, 2007
Ok...I'll say this as clearly as I can one last time and then I'm done with this since I can see now where its going.

The thing is...this problem...as Messiah (I'm assuming) and myself see it...has been around for a long time. And from where I stand...no one should "have to" use a filter to find the docks for ObjectDock other than looking for a specific
dock or docklet.
1) I agree that icons/pngs are used with ObjectDock!
2) Dock backgrounds are created to be used with the ObjectDock software and can't be used with anything else.
3) Icons are created to be used system wide...they are not exclusive to ObjectDock. Although you can't use pngs system wide they can be created from icons to use with ObjectDock...but when you think of ObjectDock you are not thinking pngs which are essentially icons with a different file type name and format...your thinking backgrounds because without them your icon/pngs are just floating on your screen.
4) Everything else in the libraries has its own application/background which is directly related to the software needed to apply it...not an afterthought.

DesktopX for example has 3 libraries...Objects, Themes, & Widgets. All 3 related to the software yet 3 libraries rather than 1. CursorXp uses pngs for the Special Effects & Trails yet you see none of those images in the CursorXP library...where are those are found...in the ObjectDock library...not CursorXP...why is that?

Basically all I've been asking for is a library where the docks are primary to the ObjectDock library and not secondary...meaning you don't have to use a filter to hunt for them...since the library IS called Object"Dock"...not Object"PNG" Which is why I feel that pngs should NOT be in the ObjectDock library effectively burying all the docks backgrounds and....docklets (have you tried finding one of those lately?) that are "directly" related to that software.

You have tons of people banging out pngs left and right...you have only a few doing docks. Messiah or I submit a dock...and then along comes 10 people submitting they're several each pngs or 1 person dumping 20 or 30 of something that should be clearly considered a set and not individually submitted...and then bam...we're off the front page in a heartbeat...sometimes 5 pages back...because it takes far longer to create docks than pngs. And yes...I understand that everything in every library gets buried...eventually...but dock are lucky to survive a day on the front page at the rate pngs are submitted. Its not like there are others creating docks and burying other dock background submissions...I could live with that. There were times when I had to stagger my uploads in order for them to have a chance to be seen on the front page of the library...and mine even go right through moderation. And once they start getting buried they are soon forgotten unless you know there are personal galleries of that creator that you can go to. And we all know how far people will actually go through a library to find something....not very far. Docks in the deepest part of my gallery aren't downloaded at all anymore...and there are some great docks back there for skins that are still used.

So it comes down to this then....I started creating docks because of not finding ones that fit the skins I was using...I was also trying to promote the software which I use every day and for which I don't make a dime...I was also trying to make using the ObjectDock software more fun to use rather than having plain looking docks to use. And I would have thought that would have been more understood and appreciated rather than..."As for your dock backgrounds, I like them. But they are yours to do with as you please."...So much for being a team player and the "community" feeling. I've even kept my docks exclusive to WinCustomize so that people had to come here to this site in order to get them, exposing them to everything else here. I thought I was being a team player and part of a community...but I guess it turns out I'm just some schlep making docks...Yeah we like them...but you can do what you want with them. Gee thanks for pointing that out! I know I can do what I want with them...and what I thought I was doing with thew was being part of a community...making ObjectDock more appealing to use and supporting the software and the site...but apparently not.

So no offense to you Brad...I've appreciated having my stuff hosted here, really...its been fun...but do what you want with the library...I'm not going to say another word on the subject...as you said...its your site...and some sort of community. When I see what that is I will decide from there what I'll do with my docks.
on Jan 20, 2007

I didn't know there were drop downs.
I gotta get out of the forums more.

I see backgrounds!
on Jan 22, 2007
ya see, it's weird...I feel WebGizmo's pain, and yet, I'm the one covering his backgrounds up with .pngs.

I will only make this statement once, so listen up:

I would much rather loose all the icons that I have created from the library permanently, than loose WG's docks.

I do realize that docks take much more time, much more effort (I've attempted them, I've submitted a few, I'm speaking from experience). The icons that I, and in honesty, others, create and submit are often "rare" icons that don't show up in most if any icon packages...so how's about a "Rare Icon" library, or section..or just dump 'em in a bucket over there -------> in the corner and let folks sift through them whenever the urge hits them. I do not think that it would benefit folks by ceasing to generate them, I mean the Rare Icon Request thread has a few posts to it, and seems to stay on the front page of the forums most of the time...so there's a need, we just need to figure out the organization that will make folk's happiest.

again, I see the problem, heck, I'm part of the problem...but I also AGREE that there is a problem...I've known about the drop down sorter since before I was a member...I've heard the arguments for a "split library" almost as long. Surely there is a way to resolve (I'll help in any way I can) the issue so that we can all co-exist without stepping on one another's toes (I may ((may, have you)) have corns).

Somewhere, in a perfect world, there is one or two of my icons being proudly displayed on one of WG's excellent docks...
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