Have A Nice Day! :)
Better moderation and guidelines needed
Published on September 30, 2005 By WebGizmos In WinCustomize Talk
I'm curious as to why the "Objectdock" library is being flooded with submissions from the "Misc Icons" library that clearly are not "Misc Icons?" Shouldn't these be two different libraries? They are both starting to look the same lately. And doesn't "Misc" mean just that...misc...as in the odd icon? It seems that whole Icon packages are either broken down, or not packaged and submitted as "Misc Icons" instead of them being packaged and submitted as a package to the "Iconpackager" library, which if you look through the library of "Objectdock" you can see there is nothing "Misc" or odd about many of these icons...since they could easily make up a whole package. It's as if I'm watching Mormegils icon tutorial all over again.
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on Jan 22, 2007
Thanks for the support Bandit! I agree that your icons as well as others shouldn't cease to be made...they have every right to create them as any other customization. It would just be nice if they had their own library. But I suspect that is not going to happen...if it was my site yes...but its not.
on Jan 22, 2007
Somewhere, in a perfect world, there is one or two of my icons being proudly displayed on one of WG's excellent docks...

on Jan 22, 2007
on Jan 22, 2007
Well...it would also seem now that all the links I put in my docks uploads description leading people to my personal gallery no longer works.
on Jan 22, 2007
Can you offer one URL as a sample?

I tested the skin here: http://webgizmos.wincustomize.com/skins.aspx?skinid=11936&libid=29

And it linked you your personal site.
on Jan 22, 2007
Apparently it was only on a few dock descriptions Zubaz...I fixed them...Thanks for asking though.
on Jan 22, 2007
Hey WG, Zubaz; on the new site the link to one's personal gallery is now /skins.aspx on the old site it was /gallery.aspx. This is why they no longer work.
on Jan 22, 2007
Idaho is the perfect world? I'll be damned!

Been through Coeur d'Alene on my way to WA...one of the creepiest places I have ever been to..15:00 and not a soul in sight...felt like a Stephen King town! I will NEVER forget that...only sounds were cars on the highway going by - all 2 of them!    
on Jan 23, 2007
Since pngs be graphics, I was gonna suggest taking over the Graphics gallery.... but it doesn't want to load = get an error. Guess it's withered away.
on Jan 23, 2007
felt like a Stephen King town!

on Jan 23, 2007
good to know that them in Idaho have great taste!

enough to recognize WGs great work, and enough to realize that not all icons are to be found in packages...(wonder how my Appalachian accent would go over in Idaho...)

The drop down in the gallery also breaks apart the "backgrounds" download group from the "tabbed backgrounds" group...since many designers create both a tabbed background and a zoomer for their submission, they are forced, when uploading to choose one or the other gallery. This separates the background downloads into two different libraries. To me, this confounds the search for backgrounds even further and negates the drop down menu as a viable solution to the problem addressed by this thread.

Don't get me wrong...I love this place and appreciate all the hard work that goes into it, I ain't doin' narry bit o' complainin'. I just understand WG & messiah, and the problem that is being addressed, and, again, I feel a bit personally responsible for burying docks under a ton of icons.

on Jan 23, 2007
Since pngs be graphics, I was gonna suggest taking over the Graphics gallery.... but it doesn't want to load = get an error. Guess it's withered away.

Anything uploaded to the Graphics library becomes public domain. The library is for uploading images, or even unfinished skins, that anyone can use when creating a skin/theme.
If you don't mind relinquishing your copyright, then you are certainly welcome to upload graphics that are "100%" yours to that library.
But it can't become the home of things like MS Office, or Adobe icons, since the uploader doesn't own the rights in the first place.
on Jan 23, 2007
That sounds familiar Super K....

mighta kicked in if I had been able to get to the page...
on Jan 23, 2007

This topic actually came up at Stardock's full management meeting this week. So it is an issue we are taking very seriously.

The issue is that we absolutely do believe that application images (PNGs representing things that go on a dock) do belong in the ObjectDock section. I know, I created the section and know what I intended to be put in there -- individual program images as well as dock images.

However, I am also in agreement with WG that it is not acceptable for what is a skin -- a dock background that involves significant work -- to be quickly covered up by a half dozen new PNG images.

What Jeff and I talked about is having a landing page ala what we have for http://dream.wincustomize.com. This page would introduce users to the ObjectDock gallery and let them get to dock backgrounds or application images.  It's the kind of treatment we think ObjectDock's gallery deserves (As well as DesktopX's which has similar issues).

Now that we have the new site done, we are working through bugs and fixes and then we can begin working in this arae.  Incidentally, if there are any web designers looking for full-time employment in Michigan, please send us your resume.

on Jan 23, 2007
I like the "landing page" idea!
I'll get the confetti and climb to the 15th floor...y'all get frogboy & Jeff into the convertible limo with the beauty pageant contestants. (Don't forget to put the limo in FRONT of the equestrian team...)
Great to know this concern is being looked at seriously! Thanks gang...for ALL you do!
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