Have A Nice Day! :)
Features constantly being taken away
Published on December 5, 2005 By WebGizmos In IconDeveloper
I generally don't complain about stuff here, but IconDeveloper seems to be going down the tubes lately.

Why is it that every time there is a new version of IconDeveloper there are features being removed or disabled? I used to be able to save icons to png format without having to go rename them every time before saving the next one, but not anymore. Now...I can't save icons at 128x128 size. The "new versions" seem to be going backwards instead of forwards as far as features are concerned.

So whats the reason for not being able to save 128x128 now?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Dec 06, 2005
on Dec 08, 2005
Bump bump...
on Dec 08, 2005

I'd like to know too. I liked being able to take some decent icons, save as png and use as a DTX super icon.
on Dec 09, 2005
Ditto Bichur...I've been having to use AveIcon to change my icons to pngs for some time now. And the latest thing is now I can't save the icons sizes I want to save.
on Dec 09, 2005
You don't get many answers regarding serious complaints here lately...
on Dec 09, 2005
So whats the reason for not being able to save 128x128 now?

I don't normally use ID, but I downloaded the latest version to see what's up, and it works here. I have no trouble saving as 128x128 ico, or exporting an ico to 128x128 png.

on Dec 09, 2005
Didn't know this thread was here. I'm also having problems saving icons in anything but 16x16 or 32x32.

Check out my screenshot here: Link
Up in the right corner in the parenthesis is 32x32 which is what they are now saving as. How can I change this?
on Dec 09, 2005
on Dec 10, 2005
47Songs....I went back to the previous version (1.20.021 build 1066) and it works again.

Beta version 1.29[b].003 is the one I had problems with.

Koasati...what version do you have thats working now?

But I still can't save icons as pngs without having to rename them each time I do or it will overwrite the previous one.
on Dec 10, 2005
The abilityhas not actually been removed.

There still is the ability to save 128x128 format icons as well as icons of any given size.

It's simply that 128x128 icons are no longer considered standard formats and are not pre-defined. This has been changes since we are preparing ID for Vista and on Vista you would rather have a 256x256 PNG compressed icons that are then scaled down, rather than define every single possible icon size.

You can still add any custom formats from 16x16 to 256x256. And even more - IconDeveloper should actually remember it as your preference and keep it for the next time you generate another icon.

when you look at the dialog in this article: http://adam.wincustomize.com/Articles.aspx?SID=59&AID=67582 there is an "Add custom" button there. This is the way to add 128x128 format.
on Mar 24, 2007
I have been making icons with the following custom sizes (ALL 32 bpp XP only format)


everything's fine except the 256 icons are saved out as 255.

When I import an icon having 256 x 256, it shows as such, but when I save it out, it's 255 x 255.

This breaks Vista's ability to use the icon in "Large Icons" view, which is the whole point of 256 x 256 icons.

Is this a known problem? A feature restriction? Unimplemented? And more importantly, is a fix on the way? IconDeveloper is one of the main reasons I maintain my Object Desktop subscription.

on Mar 24, 2007
not sure why you revived a post that's been dead since 2005, but...

which version of icon developer?

on Apr 16, 2007
I thought I'd posted this already... the version is 1.3.0 build 1102.

My subscription comes up for renewal on May 1, 2007, and I'm trying to decide if I should renew my $34.95 subscription or just pay $20 for "Real World Icon Editor" and stick with the OD apps I have... if Icon Developer has been fixed, I'd probably renew my OD subscription.
on Apr 16, 2007
As I understand it lorax, Stardock is still working on updating Icon Packager and Icon Developer for Vista. Icon Packager has a beta version out now for Vista, I expect Icon Developer will have a new version soon. Just my scope on the situation. I'd hang tight with Stardock they'll have complete Vista compatibility for OD that's for sure.  
on Apr 17, 2007
I'd hang tight with Stardock they'll have complete Vista compatibility for OD that's for sure.  

I think I got a reasonable amount of value out of OD... but IconDeveloper was probably 50% of it... I use a mixed bag of tools already, and if my regular raster image editor properly supported .ico, I'd just use that... it's just that I have an app going gold in the next month and can't be wrestling with an icon editor that doesn't properly support Vista icons... so unless a Icon Developer fix for 256 x 256 icons is due within days, maybe weeks, I have to buy a license for another Icon editor (my "Real World Icon Editor" trial version still functions, but I can't in good conscience use it for production-quality icons without paying for the license.

...and given that StarDock is big into Vista skinning etc. I can't imagine how Icon Developer hasn't been upgraded already... unless their skinners use other tools to do their work (gasp!)

I'm also willing to concede that I might be doing something wrong, or have an incompatibility: no one has piped in to say "I have version x and I don't have that problem: I design, open, and save 256 square icons no problem!"

So, I assume it is a hard limitation (bug?) in Icon Developer, and no fix is forthcoming, and I'm not the only one in this situation.

So I guess I've answered my own question. Thanks, me!
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