Have A Nice Day! :)
Published on February 2, 2006 By WebGizmos In Personal Computing
Beta testers beware!
on Feb 02, 2006
Microsoft made a preview version of IE 7 beta 2 publicly available on Tuesday, but the product is not fully baked, the company has said. The release is meant to give developers and IT professionals a chance to test-drive the software and give feedback to Microsoft so that the final version, expected later this year, and upcoming test releases, will have no, or at least fewer, issues.

The part about "at least fewer issues" really erks me. They don't even have a goal of releasing a flawless product. sheeeesh
on Feb 02, 2006
They don't even have a goal of releasing a flawless product.

Anyone involved in software development knows that this is not an economical possibility...

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on Feb 02, 2006
Brad or Neal might have to post a sticky about people posting Windowblinds bugs with IE7. There have been a few posts since it went public and I'm sure the last thing they are interested in is chasing their tail with something that is still beta and bound to change at a moments notice. I think Neal said as much in a post a while back, can't find it though.
on Feb 02, 2006
Anyone involved in software development knows that this is not an economical possibility

Of course but why have people become comfy with that fact? Would you buy a substandard auotmobile, house, cheesburger. If a company was selling cars with huge safety problems, would people not fight back? If cheesburgers were sending everyone to the hospital, would something not be done about it? Just seems to me something went amiss along the way and people have accepted subpar products when it comes to computers.
on Feb 02, 2006
Makes sense to me NT.
on Feb 02, 2006

I'm using IE7 on my wife's machine....had one of its addon thingies crash already...and typing in this window is about as screwy an experience as ever I have had...not for the faint-hearted....

....and it's 'irks'.....Spell checker

on Feb 02, 2006
Would you buy a substandard auotmobile, house, cheesburger

Let's be honest, this is like comparing apples to rasins .. Automobiles do have bugs, not sure if you heard about the problems encountered with the newest BMW's but they apparently have computer controlled engines and there was a glitch that caused the engines to just shut off sometimes while the driver was just driving along. As far as hospitals, there are mistakes made in hospitals EVERY DAY, and people die based on those mistakes every day. Oh, and cheeseburgers will send people to the hospital, eventually..

Now, as far as software goes it is a known fact that the larger a software project the more bugs it is going to have. The goal of course is to not have any *show stoppers* or bugs that sre easily re-produced during activities that it is assumed will be commonly used. If it were an easy thing to write perfect software, everyone would be doing it but software is written by humans and humans make mistakes. Even when those mistakes are caught it is common for a fix to one bug to create another that may or may not be found. In a project the size of something like IE7 or Firefox for that matter it is safe to assume there are going to be bugs. I do think it was short sighted of MS to state that they aren't even attempting to release a flawless product. While it's really just an honest statement I can see the various hard-core anti-IE crowds cheering about MS admitting that IE will be flawed and that the world should switch to browser x because it IS absolutely flawless. Which of course is complete garbage.
on Feb 02, 2006
*Gasp!* You mean a beta copy has bugs?! Say it aint so! This is why I don't install beta copies of anything but games. Beta windows software such as IE, or even WB has too great a possibility of thrashing a computer when some never-before-seen bug pops up.

I've gotten a kick out of sites like /. and such jumping all over the buggy beta as if it's proof of a bad final product.
on Feb 02, 2006
Here's a response from one of the IE developers: http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2006/02/01/522682.aspx
on Feb 02, 2006
The only bad bug I can find so far, it kept opning my connect widow, though I was already connected, into tools/options and turned off the connect if not connected, now ok, appart from that, having worked with it for 24hrs, it looks not bad, it browses not bad, no major problems at any of the sites I have been to, and, it can only get better, oh, and it's free. Jim
on Feb 02, 2006
*Gasp!* You mean a beta copy has bugs?! Say it aint so!

Hahahaha!! Indeed, a beta with bugs whodda thunk-it!! Well, I hope nobody installed the new beta on their main box.
on Feb 02, 2006

I always laugh at people who say this.  Don't download beta software unless you understand what beta means.

on Feb 02, 2006
I can't wait till all the bugs are ironed out.