This is now a free for all thread.
Kenwas : I know what You mean and my '...' post was a long one according to what Stardock and WC have become over the years and how things go miserably wrong at the moment according apps and the site but then after reflecting it again I found that all I will get from that is all those unable to have a good discussion because of their brown noses or rose-red glasses (and always confusing 'discussion' with 'struggle') calling me a 'whiner' and 'bitcher' again or me being demoted (again). No thanks...
It takes a lot of devotion and even masochism nowadays to being a loyal follower here.
I'm on a " Time-Out " or should I say a burned-out ! ...... new site grade: C-
All sites seem to have slowed down except for dA, I've never gotten into the forums there, but there's alot of visiting going on between people's homepages and group pages. It's definitely different here now.
People go away on DA also, you may not notice that unless you are *watching* them. And I agree with everyone that alot of sites are down as far as members and visitors. Times change. Almost anyone can make a decent wallpaper, take a perfect photograph , with all the new easy to use programs. I guess it is the same with windowblinds....I never understood why someone would say they love a skin, then recolor it once they have it. To me, the color is also what grabbed my attention in the first place. And about Wincustomize, it will just take awhile for the glitches and such to be worked out. But I agree with what Ken said
Well that is all, now I'll go and get my coffee!!
I'm still here, but.... I don't see the since or point in trying to help out fellow users if other users want to make others look bad, or make their answers seem out of the ball park. I won't go into details, but I'm sure they will read my statement here... and perhaps they may even leave me a note to this... who knows... ?
I personally have been creating dreams since this I first found this site, I used to have a lot of my dreams posted on the Wincustomize site which I removed about little over a year ago just after my Karma up and left... , I now however have my dreams posted on my own web site.
Yep still here!
Yeah, Wincustomize today, everybody afraid of his Karma-Points. *sigh* Good thing to keep people quiet though.
I'm using my Karma points for my neurobiology exam today - which reminds me......I should be studying and not on this site
erm.....Karma points can be used for college credit right? I thought that's how doc got his license.......
Still here and plan to continue even more visible in 3 months when I will be retired.
I'm not one to complain and cause problems but will say this just to put it out there and it's only my personal opinion. I have no problem with the design of the new site as it's more with what a site should look like in 2010. The people working on getting it up and fixing things are doing a good job and the best they can given the time they have and the problems. However it doesn't change the fact we are always hearing the same thing "we are working or it" For me and I'm sure many others this is getting old as it's now May and still many things that need to be taken care of. Think it's time Stardock hires some people to work around the clock and get this fixed quickly. I'm sure there are many people that can do web site design and fixing that would be happy to be employed for a month if that is all it takes.
Again I'm not pissed off, mad, love the people here and have no plans to leave. Now we are hearing things are down at other places and it's also down here. The difference from this community from the others is, it has always been more active than the others. So lets get this web site situation fixed and make it fast and work correctly. Than we can at least find out for sure and get the great spirit back this community is known for.
Could this just be a slow time because of what people have going on in the rest of their lives?
From what I have seen folks do come and go, move on as has been said above, and the rest have other things going on right now.
It also maybe that the popularity of customizing your desktop just isn't as important as it has been.
I have been here longer than most and less than many but I must say i feel like I have been in this conversation for many, many years. It is like a soap opera where you can tune in at any point and never miss a beat in the story, it just goes on and on. Suffice it to say, that the Wc site is not known for its reliability and speed. But like many, I continue to hope that maybe this time.........
The politically correct forum posture is another issue all together and it seems to mirror an overall trend in society that is regrettable at best, but again, just one man's opinion.