Have A Nice Day! :)
Published on May 4, 2010 By WebGizmos In WinCustomize Talk

This is now a free for all thread.

Comments (Page 4)
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on May 05, 2010

Rumors of my death have been greatly exagerated.  I'm here . . just  . .  quiet.

I've been around a long time.  And the site cycles and people leave and new people take their place and it's always shifting.

I've heard it said that you can never step into the same river twice.  The water is different even though the river is the same.  WC is like that.  But without the water and with skinning . . and it's digital.

Stay, go, come back, whatever.  WC will be here.  (And until I get a life . . I'll be here too. )

on May 05, 2010

you can never step into the same river twice. The water is different even though the river is the same.

...you hangin' in a fuckin' kung-fu class or what????

on May 05, 2010

you can never step into the same river twice. The water is different even though the river is the same.

...you hangin' in a fuckin' kung-fu class or what????

As a matter of fact . . . 

I'm teh good looking one.

on May 05, 2010

I'm still here, still skinning, just decided to keep my opinions to myself.

on May 05, 2010

Okay, if making suggestions is allowed, Island Dogs posted a thread about a Beginning of Summer Skin Contesthttps://forums.wincustomize.com/381675

The contest is open to all skins available on WinCustomize.  That should make alot of folks happy. 

Now for starters the community can support the contest as best we can.  I'm talking about the skinners participating with entering skins and non skinners, well, I think I will offer ID some help with making the prizes a little better.

Okay, any other ideas?


on May 05, 2010


on May 05, 2010



on May 05, 2010

Okay, fine with me.

on May 05, 2010

I'm still here, I must be the only one who thinks the new site, apart from the little issues, is miles better than the old one?

on May 05, 2010



on May 05, 2010

I'm still here, I must be the only one who thinks the new site, apart from the little issues, is miles better than the old one?
It is faster....waaaay faster.... most of the time, and once all the bugs are worked out, I think I am going to like it more than the old site.

(still would prefer something other than blue though)

on May 05, 2010

Still here. Although currently out of town.....

I don't believe they are staying away in droves. It's summer now, and it has always been quieter in the summer months.

I tend to agree although the same can be said for for site updates.

on May 05, 2010

you can never step into the same river twice. The water is different even though the river is the same.

...you hangin' in a fuckin' kung-fu class or what????

on May 05, 2010

Okay, fine with me.

Philly...you keep on plugging...

Giz, who died and left you in charge?


Come on guys, do ya think making a scene will attract a crowd?        

on May 05, 2010

I'm here - usually lurking, sometimes posting, always enjoying some aspect of the site.

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