This is now a free for all thread.
Shhh. Don't tell Doc. He thinks we give him karma because we like him.
Sure the site has it's bugs and quirks but these too shall pass. I survived Vista,I can survive this.
Most of us want the latest OS,computer hardware, software, TV, car, etc. Why settle for an outdated website just because it's comfortable and "it still works." Someday in the future the same will be said about this version of WC and it's replacement. Progress is being made, things are getting better and I'll bet most users will end up liking the new site ......eventually. If I'm wrong about that,I may be the only one left here to notice.
I see no logic behind getting frustrated about something I have absolutely no control over. I'm here more for company than content so as long as there are folks here that I can help or humor, I'm not going to give up on WC. I don't fault anyone for taking a break for awhile, go if you must. Just remember that the "survivors" will be here anxiously awaiting the return of their missing friends.
So to answer the question again....yes,I'm here and it's still good to be "Home"
Well, if it only was for the site. See how many apps are in ruins at the moment... Object Desktop value gets smaller and smaller also. And there we have heard 'Everything will get better !' every time also. People are driven away as their opinion is not heard no matter if they have been valuable contributors to certain apps (best example is DesktopX). Frustrating for sure. So for me it is not only economical or other reasons. Some of the reasons lie within how people are treated here if they are not only lucky with the situation.
c242 - Don't get yourself all worked up. it is just a web site and it is what it is. Otherwise you stress yourself and who needs that my friend. Enjoy, as you only have one time around in this life.
I'm still here, I haven't said much but I do pop in , I found that it has been well um er a bit boring since a lot of our members have left for various reasons. and its not the same anymore . I am sure this will soon change once everyone gets use to the new site
Not a skinner,but I'm not going anywhere.
I'm here.
I've been here for quite some time myself... and I have no Karma... mine up and left 2 years ago when I, at the time didn't need any pills for anything... two years later, I've got Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and Osteoporosis and am taking a bunch of meds day and night.... some of the stupid things make me grumpy... I know that sounds hard to believe... me grumpy, but hey I'm still kickin and who needs karma when you got Lyrica or any other of the fine meds I get! And to those I've ticked off over the last year or so... ) sorry, but I'll try and stick it out and see...
Lets hope that this transition stage is just that, everything seems to be dead at the moment unfortunately, seems maybe some fires need to be lit under some rear ends and get this community back to what it once was because right now all is definitely not well.
If y'all need some help, I'd be more than happy to put forward some solutions for a more productive, vibrant, dynamic site.
Oh and if anyone wants my Karma, have at it, bloody useless imo. Causes far more issues than its worth...imo.
Lets get the site working as it should y'all, lot of people depending on it! C'mon!
I used to come here and read the forums before i even read my email, but the "feel" is not the same, cant put my finger on it, kinda like trying to describe the taste of milk
Hush yo mouf'!!